Sunday, 15 May 2011

Where to begin?

I am now back at work,i had to do 2.5 weeks of training which was sheer hell,thankfully it has been done now and i got 97% in my home insurance regulations exam and 100% in my financial services license exam :).Nothing at work changes except the faces as the place has such a high turnover rate,they are not too happy that i am back at work a breastfeeding mama,i even had to go home on day 1 as they had no where for me to express,even had the cheek to suggest the toilet!!! Since then they have upped their game and booked a meeting room for me every day.I love finishing at 8pm going home then feeding my Liv she's usually asleep but i wake her up as she doesn't have much milk at the childminders usually 2-3oz.

Update on the kids.
Olivia has got her FIRST tooth,it is so cute! and took what seems like forever to come through seeing as Madison had a couple at this stage.You can just see it on this picture,it's her bottom front left one.

Olivia is still trying her hardest to crawl,she gets on all fours,starts rocking but has one foot stuck and just can't fathom it out.She will do it in her own time.

Madison is a nightmare at the moment,she really has got the terrible 2s.Everynight for the past i'd say four weeks she has woken up only one to two hours after going to bed screaming and moaning to come down or go into our bed.She then has taken a good 45 minutes to put back to sleep.It's either this or she will be a nightmare to put to sleep,last night read her 7 stories,yes 7 and she wanted more,i said "no" and went out of the room and she went CRAZY! The only thing that got her back into bed was me telling her i was going to take her beloved "bun bun" away which i feel mean for saying but it worked!
Her speech is coming on more and more,earlier in the bath she got on all fours and said "Look mummy i am swimming like a fish" hehe so cute.
This was her the other day at the park,they've just put loads of new stuff in including 3 slides,she loves it!