Saturday 28 January 2012


I had my flexible working hours meeting last Wednesday,it all went fine and I should hear within 4 weeks apparently.Hopefully all has gone to plan this time and I will get my hours.
I also got a nice surprise last week in that I earned some commision and it will be in next months wage woo!.I plan to spend it on booking a spa day and night,a much needed one lol.I can't wait just to relax.

Yesterday was awful,i spent the majority of it being sick which I hate,thankfully this morning I am feeling much better.I don't want to feel like that again in a long time!.
Madison was ill on Friday night but was completely fine Saturday morning.

This Wednesday will be my last quiet Wednesday for a long time as I have my induction the week after!.I really need to get organised for getting out of the house by 7.30am with the girls!.It is going to be so tiring but well worth it.

Not alot else to report really,i will update after the induction.


Thursday 19 January 2012

Why oh why oh why.

Bit of an update.As you know I tried changing my working pattern so I can put the girls to bed.I asked my manager and he said they had been refused as I hadn't hit my target!.
Well I went and had a huge rant at HR who are not mutual and they said they would look into it.
A week later my manager has been sacked? (some are saying he has resigned,but I don't believe it.) and on Tuesday morning I recieved a brand new flexible working hours form to fill out!.
Apparently HR never recieved my first application so it looks like ex manager has just binned it and made his own decision.I am fuming but hopefully now we will get somewhere!.
I just hate that place!.

On another note it seems a year of pregnancies again,everyone is pregnant it feels like,work colleagues,friends,online friends!..I though will NOT be having a 2012 baby,if I ever get broody I remind myself of the sleepless nights which I am still experiencing lol.But good luck to them,i do miss pregnancy and birth but it just doesn't agree with me.

Update on the girls.
Madison needs a haircut! 3 years old and all she needs is just a trim of her fringe bless.She is growing up so fast,i can't believe she will be at school next September!.
We are fully toilet trained in the day now with very little accidents,maybe once every few days when she has had too much to drink in a short period of time.Madisons nappies are still very full in the morning so I think she won't be dry at night for a while yet even though she is requesting to wear knickers at night.

Olivia is doing great also,16 months now and still in 9-12 month clothes,she is such a dinky dot but makes up for it with her amazing personality.She knows her own mind that is for sure,her favourite word is "naw" for no lol this gets used alot during the day mostly during nappy changes!.I felt awful today Liv had her first bust lip at playgroup! She fell over and banged her cheek and lip,bless,She is okay now but it was such a shock!

I am off to read a book now I have wanted for ages-the girl with the dragon tattoo! Hehe.

Thursday 5 January 2012

I cannot wait.

I just cannot wait to start volunteering.I have recieved my CRB check back,all clear of course lol and yesterday I booked my induction which is on February 8th.They said it will take a few hours as there is a few things I need to learn,like infection control,then I will get to go to the ward and meet everyone,ready for starting the week after.God it has took a long time which is understandable because of all the checks but I thought it would of been just a tad quicker lol I started the process in October!.
I'm hoping it will give me the experience and confidence for a job in care and also the opportunity to see how a ward works and test the water as to whether nursing is for me.I have been thinking recently and it is 90% what I want to do,i just have that niggle where I may look at some other careers and see if any of them take my fancy,like social worker.

Update on the girls.
They are doing great,i can't believe Madison goes to school next year,crazy,i hope she enjoys it.Just recently she hasn't wanted to go to the childminders and hates me going to work.I put in a flexible working hours form at work and ky manager has told me it has been REFUSED all because I haven't hit target.I am so angry and will be putting in a grievance when I go back as I haven't even recieved confirmation from HR of this.It's not as if I was cutting my hours just starting earlier and finishing earlier so I can put the girls to bed and on the Wednesday I will be working till 8 as I'm volunteering.I just cannot see what the problem is!.It is really one rule for one and another for someone else.

Liv is doing great,she has 11 teeth including a few molars.And a little secret I will share is that she has been sleeping through,6-5!.I don't mind it as it's better than her up multiple times in the night lol.
We are still breastfeeding,i never thought we would still be going now,i think I may let her self wean although I'm not fully decided on this.It is such a comfort for her and she still feeds 7+ times a day lol.

Well that is about it for now.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

conflicting information

I am sick of it,i want to go to college next year then onto university but I keep getting different advice on what entry requirements unis have.I have been told off a college that no university will accept level 2 English and Mathematics yet I contact the uni I want to go to and they said they do?!.I know they would favour GCSE candidates but I just don't know what to do anymore.I wish I had decided on my career earlier as it is so hard now and I am very close to giving up and not trying again until the kids are ALOT older.