Monday 25 April 2011

It's that time again.

My maternity leave is now up.I can't believe i have been off for nearly ten months.I am going back on the 3rd May and i have to do two silly weeks full time training.I am returning as a breastfeeding mama woop and work are being surprisingly cooperative.After the training i'll be back to my old 2.5 days a week.
After applying for several jobs and getting nowhere i have resigned myself to going back to my old job which i despise-sales.
I have never been so unhappy in my career.I am not a sales person,i couldn't sell sand to the Arabs.I want to do nursing/care work,if only someone would give me a chance but all it takes is someone to apply who has a teeny bit of experience and BHAM there's my chance gone.
I am thinking of doing some volunteer work at the hospital,helping the elderly around,making tea,helping the HCA's etc.I think i need to prove that it is what i want to do,which it is.I have been thinking about my career for years now and i know everyone says "wait a few years then concentrate on your career" but they do not work where i work.It is hell,they have such a high turnover that i will be surprised if any of my old colleagues still work there.
I am determined to have a new job by the end of the year.

Saturday 9 April 2011

How time flies.

I am 22 now! I feel old even though i'm not,the random grey hairs and bags under the eyes tell a different story.
An update on the girls,Olivia is trying to crawl,she sits up then throws herself forward,gets on all fours and starts rocking back and forth.I couldn't believe it! lol.She has also mastered sitting unaided now,she has amazing balance.I love her so much and her little chunky legs even if she can be the grumpiest baby going some days.
Madison is getting cheekier by the day,her speech is amazing and so clear.As it was my birthday she picked me a cinderella card and give it to me in the morning and said "Mummys birthday card,signed it" then i asked her who it was on it she replied "Barbie?" I said "no sweetie its Cinderella" she then replied "ooo we watched that film the other day".I can't believe she's only 2 she acts alot older!.
I had a quiet birthday,i just got myself a new piercing-Septum! which i love and some new clothes,i then went out for a lovely indian with some friends,it was nice to have some time out of the house without the kids.