Madisons Pregnancy and Birth Story

Found out i was pregnant on Grand National day 2008 lol
11 weeks 2 days pregnancy scan

20 weeks 1 day pregnancy scan

37 weeks pregnant

Birth Story
I was 40+1 when i had to go the hospital yet again to get my blood pressure checked as i had pregnancy induced hypertension.The Dr suggested that i have a membrane sweep to hopefully start labour off as i was already 2 cms dilated and fully effaced.I was booked in for induction 6 days later and did not fancy that! The membrane sweep was uncomfortable but not painful and lasted less than a minute,i then was on my way home ,only i had to come back the next day for a scan to check the babies size as the sonographer had meausured baby wrong grr!! I started having pains straight away but nothing substanstial so i just put it to the back of my mind and went home to bed for a rest.

40+2-Off to the hospital again for a scan and blood pressure check.Baby approximatley weighs 7lb 4oz and everything else is fine.Still having pains and was told to ring the labour ward when they get to 5 minutes apart..pains still are not anything major just light cramping so decided to do some grocery shopping then off home.

4pm/3rd December 2008-Pains are getting worse and i havent had any decent sleep for a while so i decide to take some paracetamol and have a lie down.

5pm-Paracetamol has done nothing so decided to run a bath see if that helps..lay in the bath for about an hour pains still not unbearable so thought i would watch some TV...Teachers re runs to be exact on trouble!

7pm-Attempting to go to sleep but pains are making that not possible as im just about to doze off and i get another doh!
Now i still do not think im in labour and my partner is in bed asleep..ive spoken to my partners sister who has told me to walk around when i get a contraction which is what ive been doing which has taken the edge of the pain slightly.Im also using contraction master and my contractions are all over the place making me think even more that im not in daft hehe

11pm-Pains are alot worse now..feels like very strong period pains which peak and then die down.I have also just lost my mucus plus which is not which point i awake my partner to let him know that i think i am in labour..finally!!My partner then rings the labour ward who tell me to ring them upon which i did and i have been told to just take some more paracetamol and see how i am!
Half an hour passes and the pain is still bad so i ring the labour ward to tell them i am going to be coming in..but to be told to expect disappointment if i come in as i can talk through contractions!! Grrr..
Now i am waiting for an ambulance which is taking FOREVER!!! and i am feeling the urge to push ..and my partner panicked thinking he was going to deliver the baby lol

Ambulance has arrived i have been given gas and air which in my opinion isnt very good just tastes nice and off to the hospital we go!!

Arrived at the hospital with gas and air in hand although all i am doing is chewing on the mouthpeice at this point.I then was told to get onto a hospital bed to be examined and ***pop** my waters broke!!! The midwife examined me and i was fully dilated!!! So much for expect disappointment eh?!!

Off to the delivery room and my waters are still coming out and the urge to push is immense at this point.I hated pushing it was the worst part for tiring..I kept asking the midwife how long it was going to be and she said your in for a wait as the head keeps going back up ..and it was a wait..1 hour and 27 minutes of horrible pushing.. the head appears,the body just flew out eek onto the table!! and Madison Patricia was born at 1.47am 4th December 2008 weighing 7lb 14oz.I did have a 3rd degree tear because she come out so quick though but even that wasnt painful..think i have a high pain threshold!
Newborn cuggles.
Simone xx