Friday 31 December 2010

The Start of a new year-2011

Well were in 2011! How FAST did 2010 go?
We had a lovely Christmas except for Madison having a viral infection which included her having her first nosebleed whilst opening her Christmas presents i felt so sorry for her she thought it was "strawberry" lol.I am glad to say she is back to her normal self now though but has unfortunately passed it onto Olivia who is really suffering with her cough,we took her to the walk in centre and they said she has a sore throat but this cough is keeping her up at night,I really hope she is better soon i want my smiley magoo back!
Anyway back to Christmas we had Paul's Mum,Step dad,my Nan and my Dad around which was lovely! Madison loved being the centre of attention haha
As for New Years Eve it was just me and Paul and i fell asleep at 11pm haha god i am such a lightweight nowadays only had two beers.Luckily the neighbours wasn't as loud as we thought they would be.
So glad that year is over the only good day was 05/09/2010 when Olivia was born.
Here's to a better new year and the start of a photo a day.
This is a memorable pic which sums up last year for me.

My beautiful girls.

Thursday 23 December 2010

Baking with Madison

Me and Madison made some chocolate chip cookies the other day,first time i have made something like that and they came out surprisingly well.
Madison liked stirring the mixture and licking the spoon :) very messy as you can imagine.
Think i may be more adventurous and bake a cake next time.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Olivia has just giggled!

I just had to write this! as i will no doubt otherwise forget the date as i have a mind like a sieve.
Olivia has just done her first little giggle and it was oh so cute it really melted my heart.
She will be 16 weeks on Sunday <3

Tuesday 21 December 2010

What i want from 2011.

Less than two weeks and it will be 2011.I can still clearly remember it turning the year 2000 and all the computers going crazy!
Where does time go? I am 22 next year,i feel old! Seriously my bones ache in the cold lol
Well what do i want from 2011 here goes-
*To pass my driving test! ( i so wish i had done this when i had the chance and not been so lazy as with two kids getting out and about would be much easier.)

*To enrol on a course (on what i don't particularly know,I'd love to get the ball rolling on going to uni but with the childcare fees that's a no go at the moment.)

*To take a photo a day-( I seen this on my friends blog and thought it was a fab idea,but be warned the photos will mostly be me,the kids or something random lol.It will be nice to look back on anyway)

*To get a bigger house ideally with a proper garden and 3 bedrooms (If Paul's job stays at the same wage we will definitely be looking at the start of the year.I love this house so much because Olivia was born here but the neighbours are atrocious!)

*To breastfeed till Olivia is one year old.

*To try and be a better mum. ( I feel as if i neglect my girls sometimes because i can never give them the attention they need usually because one is either crying or wanting something etc but I'm hoping as Olivia gets older they will be much better together!)

*To eat healthier. (If i wasn't feeding Olivia i would be huge i really need to cut down on the cakes too!)

That is about it for now,if i think of anything else i will add :)

Wow babies change so much/Christmas

Ive just been looking back at pictures of Olivia and i cannot believe how much she has changed she was so swollen at birth but i didn't really notice it,now i look at her and i cant believe its the same baby.She even had a bloodshot eye she come out that quick lol

This is Olivia at one day old-
She looks jaundice too!

And now at 15 weeks :)

Madison Magoo has been ill the past two days but she seems back to her normal cheeky self today except for not eating due to her sore throat.

My poorly baby yesterday

I worry so much that she is going to have a fit when she has a temperature especially since the Dr said theres nothing you can do to prevent them! Scariest moment of my life was when she had that fit in Asda,I'll never forget it!

Well all the Christmas presents are wrapped now,i really want to put them under the tree but i know Madison would be straight into them opening them lol oh well only 4 more days yippee!
The turkey is already cooked seeing as my silly Paul defrosted it by accident lol it is very nice though and its one less thing to do on the day!

Tuesday 14 December 2010

2010 what a year

I cannot believe how FAST this year has gone!
It's been an eventful one to say the least,the best part obviously being that Olivia has been born.
She is such a beautiful content little baby,i really don't know where time goes! She had her second lot of injections today and oh boy she hated them,Madison never cried,it breaks my heart seeing lil Livi in pain,she has been so grizzly since we got home just wanting cuddles or to sleep :-(
I'm hoping she will be in a better kood tomorrow,it doesn't help that Madison has become super naughty when she doesn't get her own way! The naughty step seems to be working though in calming her down and she also has started saying sorry when she has done something wrong.
I can't stay mad at her for long though as she is too cute lol (biast statement) lol
We have just got Madison a potty too just to get used to the idea,she has been sitting on it saying "wee wees" but not doing anything lol but theres no rush as i know she will do it in her own time.

Only 11 days till Christmas now and i CANNOT wait,this is the most excited i've been in years!
Madison has a greater understanding now and keeps mentioning Father Christmas lol she loves the tree too and keeps saying "twinkle star" because of the lights.
I've wrapped all the presents now except for Madisons play kitchen.Nearly got all the food too as were having family over for dinner this year so it's going to be a busy one!
As for NYE were most likely staying in,i don't even think i will be bothering with a beer,never did i think i would ever in my life say that! I was out every weekend getting drunk a few years back!
Over and out! Lol

Saturday 4 December 2010


My baby girl is now 2! She would of been 7 hours old this time two years ago,i cant believe how fast it has gone.
We filled the whole of downstairs with balloons and hid her presents in the balloons she was so excited bless.She has been cooking me toast all morning with her play toaster lol even asks if i would like butter on it lol.
Were taking her to a soft play centre now instead of the farm as its so icy and cold.I'm sure she will love it just as much!
Today so far shes had het favourite breakfast-sausage on toast and wibbly wobbly (jelly) lol
Will do a photo entry later :-)

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Wednesday 1st December/Snow

Well today two years ago was my "due date" for Madison but she kept us all waiting for another 3 days.I can't believe how fast it has gone.I definately didn't think i would have TWO gorgeous daughters.
I can't wait for Madisons birthday ive bought her a peppa pig pillow that turns into peppa pig i dont know lol.
Im hopeing the snow has subsided by Saturday so we can take Madison to the farm but its snowing again quite badly now so we shall see.
I took Madison out in the snow yesterday she loved it! and kept saying "snowman" even though there wasn't one lol
Excuse the messy garden.

Friday 19 November 2010

more lights

Today has been quite a busy day,i got my blood took by the nurse so i could send it off to the milkbank.
After that we came home played with Madison for a while who loooves the toys her auntie nik gave her which include a digger,racing car and an ambulance-shes such a tomboy lol she refused a doll!
We then went to see the lights being switched on and gosh it was cold.I couldnt feel my toes by the time it was 7pm lol but it made Madison happy so i didnt mind,the smile on her face still melts my heart.
In the car on the way down she kept saying "more lights" ,"father christmas cuggle" and "happy christmas" hehe shes too cute,i felt sorry for her when she let go of a balloon we got her into the air she kept saying "more boon" lol i stupidly let the next one we got her go oops! But she was easily distracted by a snake on a plastic rod that she could wave about lol
Were off to the airport tomorrow with friends to see some aeroplanes as Madison loves them!
So tired but olivia is a fab sleeper she slept 9-5 last night! She usually wakes at 3 but had an expressed bottle of milk as her last feed so dont know if that made a difference we shall see tonight.

Friday 12 November 2010

i feel mean

I have just took Olivia to have her first set of immunizations and checkup at the drs.Everything is fine she now weighs 12lb 3oz and thats solely on mummy milk! And is 58 cms in length.I've just been comparing her with Madison who at 8 weeks old was 11lb and 58cms.Olivia is 9 weeks old so Madison was a bit bigger in length i wonder if she will be taller? Hmm.
Back to the title i do feel mean putting Liv through ive never seen her cry so much and they were really heartfelt crys,i thought i would cry myself! But it needs to be done,id rather her go through that than chance getting something she could of been immunized against.
I am off now hopefully for a nap with my big magoo who has been up since 5.30am!

Wednesday 10 November 2010


Whoooa its cold today! I can hear bins rolling down the street,we are apparently having winds of upto 50/60 mph!
Think we will be staying in today and watching a film and doing some painting.I did various foot prints of Madisons in her first year and put them on canvas and i want to do the same with Olivia,i only have a two week old one upto now.
I cannot believe were nearly at the end of this year! It has gone so quick,if you would of asked me this time last year what id be upto now,i wouldnt of replied being a mummy of two lol or a breastmilk donor! Which i am starting soon just need to sort getting my bloods done :-)
My fave words of Madisons at the moment are "mummy cuddles" its so sweet as cuddles comes out "cuggles" it really melts my heart and i think she knows lol

Halloween,Bonfire Night

Madison really enjoyed it this year shes growing up so fast its unbelieveable that it was nearly two years ago she come into the world.We dressed Madison up as a witch for Halloween and Olivia was a little pumpkin they looked sooooo cute! We had a relatively quiet Halloween this year just went to Pauls sister's who had a little party.
Bonfire night we went up werneth low and i couldnt believe how much Madison enjoyed it she kept saying "more bang" then saying all the colours! We had fish and chips also mm Olivia will be able to join us in eating next year lol
Im definately going to give baby led weaning a go! I just wish id knew a bit more about it with Madison as i weaned her at 17 weeks which is quite early.I'm not going to wean Olivia until she is 6 months and then i'm not going to stress out about how much food she is getting as her main source will still be breastmilk.
Madisons birthday is now in just over 3 weeks and were going to take her to a farm as she loves animals and making animal noises lol we've been before but not for a good few months.Then were going to treat her to pizza hut.I'm also going to fill the whole of downstairs with balloons which she will love i cant wait to see her little face!
I love my two girls <3

Thursday 28 October 2010


Well its 9.48..Olivia is asleep snoring her head off and still full of a cold bless and Madison is looking out the window for Daddy..i think she will be waiting a while lol.Madison is on the mend though so that is good.

Its halloween soon and im really excited teehee more excited for Christmas though as this will be Madisons 3rd Christmas even though she will only be 5 weeks may i add!
Time goes way too quick,im cherishing every moment i have with Olivia whilst shes tiny as we wont be having anymore babies for a while.I need to concentrate on passing my driving test and getting a good job.


Wednesday 27 October 2010

Big update!

Not been on here for a while so i guess its not a pregnancy blog anymore lol seeing as Olivia was born 05/09/2010 5 days late at home weighing 8lb 11oz and delivered by her daddy!
(will do birth story later)

Being a mother of two is great but hard word!.I love seeing Madison with Olivia..i can't imagine what there going to be like next year lol when Madison is 3 and Olivia is one!

Just booked Olivia for her first set of immunisations on the 12th Nov which is also including my 6 week postnatal check even though that will be more than 10 weeks post partum silly drs lol.

Tuesday 3 August 2010


Wooooo i will be term next week!

Off to see my consultant today to discuss birth options i could have a Caesarean in 3 weeks if i wanted! But ive opted for the natural route again..hopefully a home water birth!

Tuesday 15 June 2010

29+0 Moaning time has begun!

Blaaaaaaah i have heartburn from hell and i keep getting braxton hicks! both of which i never had as bad as i do with this one :(

I really hope these last 11 weeks hurry up as im getting impatient now..i do leave work next Tuesday though yaaaaay can finally relax!

Saturday 5 June 2010


Feeling tired!
Had enough of being pregnant now..roll on 12 weeks hopefully this baby will be more a less on time like Madison was who was only 3 days late :)

Got my homebirth workshop this month which im looking forward to should be good to get some info from the hospital and other people in the area who have been through homebirth before :)

Had a strange craving the other day for tomatos! I hate them normally so thats definately a pregnancy thing lol

I shall upload another bump pic soon-alot bigger now!

Friday 16 April 2010

20+2 Bump

my bump at 20+2 :D

Tuesday 13 April 2010

20+0 Team PINK!!

Had my 20 week scan today all is well with baby bean who is a gorgeous little girl :D Im so happy! A little sister for Madison

Had my appointment with the consultant no concerns-theyve even cut my appointments down as my BP has been so low which im so happy about.

Here is my little pink beanoo!

Sunday 4 April 2010


9 days until i find out if bean is a he/she hopefully!
Went for a gorgeous meal today and bean enjoyed it as he/she was bumping around for most it i cant believe how powerful and active it is already lol
Maddie has been an absolute star today as well for my cousin Vicky :)
I couldnt believe how much i missed her and i was only away for just over 2 hours!

Tuesday 23 March 2010

17+0 today

3 weeks till im half way through my pregnancy-yippee!!!
Cant believe how fast its going!
I wish morning sickness would go though it seems to be back for this week :(
I think ill be having another girl lol

Friday 19 March 2010

My pregnancy so far :)

I am 16+3 at the moment and feeling great and feeling lots of flutter from "bean"!
Except for this morning when morning sickness returned with avengance yuck..but luckily it hasnt been as bad with Madison i was constantly throwing up with her till delivery.
Been having quite alot of backache upto now..hoping that eases off soon as its awful ..never had this in my first pregnancy either..its been so different.

I had my dating scan on the 09/03/2010..all is well..and i am 2 days further along than i thought which is good.
This is "bean" at 15+0 weeks .

My next scan is in 3 weeks on the 13/04/2010..and we are finding out the gender!
I wonder what it will be..i never find out with Madison so i am hugely excited that i can hopefully buy pink or blue this time.