Friday, 19 November 2010

more lights

Today has been quite a busy day,i got my blood took by the nurse so i could send it off to the milkbank.
After that we came home played with Madison for a while who loooves the toys her auntie nik gave her which include a digger,racing car and an ambulance-shes such a tomboy lol she refused a doll!
We then went to see the lights being switched on and gosh it was cold.I couldnt feel my toes by the time it was 7pm lol but it made Madison happy so i didnt mind,the smile on her face still melts my heart.
In the car on the way down she kept saying "more lights" ,"father christmas cuggle" and "happy christmas" hehe shes too cute,i felt sorry for her when she let go of a balloon we got her into the air she kept saying "more boon" lol i stupidly let the next one we got her go oops! But she was easily distracted by a snake on a plastic rod that she could wave about lol
Were off to the airport tomorrow with friends to see some aeroplanes as Madison loves them!
So tired but olivia is a fab sleeper she slept 9-5 last night! She usually wakes at 3 but had an expressed bottle of milk as her last feed so dont know if that made a difference we shall see tonight.

Friday, 12 November 2010

i feel mean

I have just took Olivia to have her first set of immunizations and checkup at the drs.Everything is fine she now weighs 12lb 3oz and thats solely on mummy milk! And is 58 cms in length.I've just been comparing her with Madison who at 8 weeks old was 11lb and 58cms.Olivia is 9 weeks old so Madison was a bit bigger in length i wonder if she will be taller? Hmm.
Back to the title i do feel mean putting Liv through ive never seen her cry so much and they were really heartfelt crys,i thought i would cry myself! But it needs to be done,id rather her go through that than chance getting something she could of been immunized against.
I am off now hopefully for a nap with my big magoo who has been up since 5.30am!

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


Whoooa its cold today! I can hear bins rolling down the street,we are apparently having winds of upto 50/60 mph!
Think we will be staying in today and watching a film and doing some painting.I did various foot prints of Madisons in her first year and put them on canvas and i want to do the same with Olivia,i only have a two week old one upto now.
I cannot believe were nearly at the end of this year! It has gone so quick,if you would of asked me this time last year what id be upto now,i wouldnt of replied being a mummy of two lol or a breastmilk donor! Which i am starting soon just need to sort getting my bloods done :-)
My fave words of Madisons at the moment are "mummy cuddles" its so sweet as cuddles comes out "cuggles" it really melts my heart and i think she knows lol

Halloween,Bonfire Night

Madison really enjoyed it this year shes growing up so fast its unbelieveable that it was nearly two years ago she come into the world.We dressed Madison up as a witch for Halloween and Olivia was a little pumpkin they looked sooooo cute! We had a relatively quiet Halloween this year just went to Pauls sister's who had a little party.
Bonfire night we went up werneth low and i couldnt believe how much Madison enjoyed it she kept saying "more bang" then saying all the colours! We had fish and chips also mm Olivia will be able to join us in eating next year lol
Im definately going to give baby led weaning a go! I just wish id knew a bit more about it with Madison as i weaned her at 17 weeks which is quite early.I'm not going to wean Olivia until she is 6 months and then i'm not going to stress out about how much food she is getting as her main source will still be breastmilk.
Madisons birthday is now in just over 3 weeks and were going to take her to a farm as she loves animals and making animal noises lol we've been before but not for a good few months.Then were going to treat her to pizza hut.I'm also going to fill the whole of downstairs with balloons which she will love i cant wait to see her little face!
I love my two girls <3