Friday, 12 November 2010

i feel mean

I have just took Olivia to have her first set of immunizations and checkup at the drs.Everything is fine she now weighs 12lb 3oz and thats solely on mummy milk! And is 58 cms in length.I've just been comparing her with Madison who at 8 weeks old was 11lb and 58cms.Olivia is 9 weeks old so Madison was a bit bigger in length i wonder if she will be taller? Hmm.
Back to the title i do feel mean putting Liv through ive never seen her cry so much and they were really heartfelt crys,i thought i would cry myself! But it needs to be done,id rather her go through that than chance getting something she could of been immunized against.
I am off now hopefully for a nap with my big magoo who has been up since 5.30am!


  1. Ohhh poor Livi! I've got Christopher's first lot on Robert's 2nd birthday - what bad timing!!!!

  2. Aww no hope Christopher is not too much of a grump afterwards!
