Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Halloween,Bonfire Night

Madison really enjoyed it this year shes growing up so fast its unbelieveable that it was nearly two years ago she come into the world.We dressed Madison up as a witch for Halloween and Olivia was a little pumpkin they looked sooooo cute! We had a relatively quiet Halloween this year just went to Pauls sister's who had a little party.
Bonfire night we went up werneth low and i couldnt believe how much Madison enjoyed it she kept saying "more bang" then saying all the colours! We had fish and chips also mm Olivia will be able to join us in eating next year lol
Im definately going to give baby led weaning a go! I just wish id knew a bit more about it with Madison as i weaned her at 17 weeks which is quite early.I'm not going to wean Olivia until she is 6 months and then i'm not going to stress out about how much food she is getting as her main source will still be breastmilk.
Madisons birthday is now in just over 3 weeks and were going to take her to a farm as she loves animals and making animal noises lol we've been before but not for a good few months.Then were going to treat her to pizza hut.I'm also going to fill the whole of downstairs with balloons which she will love i cant wait to see her little face!
I love my two girls <3

1 comment:

  1. That's great about the baby led weaning, I'll be doing the same! I gave Robert banana at around 17 weeks a couple of times which I regretted afterwards, so waiting until around 6 months this time.
