Monday, 28 March 2011

Growing up so quick.

Olivia will be 7 months old next week,and has mastered sitting unaided for a good 5 minutes that is until she loses her balance lol.
I am also 22 next week eek,i feel old! Plans for my birthday have been left in ruin due to Paul's work being arseholes (excuse my french).Thankfully the lovely lady who owns the cottage has said we can go later in the year.So instead I'm getting my septum pierced and going out for a meal with friends,god knows how Olivia will be.A complete nightmare i imagine but Paul will have to manage haha.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Bah Humbug

Not in relation to Christmas,just in relation to me being grumpy at the fact i am so crap at mathematics!
I've just completed my key skills in English which i'm above level 2 in so all i need to do is go to a centre and take an exam and i have a GCSE C in English yippee,but mathematics on the otherhand i really struggle with.I've just finished up and am waiting for my tutor to call with the results and what to do next eek i hope i can just go in and take that course too :(.

Friday, 18 March 2011


That is one word to describe exactly how i am feeling at the moment.Ill and sleep deprived!
I've had a cold for the past few days and it's left me with a horrible tickly cough,i haven't had a cold in nearly a year though so have done quite well lol.Hopefully i will be feeling better later as were going to the park and letting Madison fly a kite,she's so excited,let's hope theres enough wind,although i think Olivia could create some haha.
Madison is so cute at the moment she sang all of twinkle twinkle little star then added her own bit at the end "one step and TICKLE" then ran over and tickled Paul.I recorded her so will have to add it :).She also sings row,row your boat and incy wincy spider.Incy wincy spider just consists of "Incy Spider-arrrggggh!" then she proceeds to chase you whilst doing spider motions haha.
Right i am off to have another brew,horrendous sleep last night thanks to feeling thirsty and Olivia wanting feeding and me not being able to get comfy.
Bye all.
I shall leave you with a picture of the gorgeous Olivia.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Olivia is babbling!!!
It is so cute,in the past week she has been attempting to babble but nothing has been coming out she has just been moving her lips as if she was talking but in the last two days she has mastered it,it is so cute.
Ahh she is growing up so quick.

Monday, 14 March 2011


When a major disaster happens it really makes you take a step back and think that were actually quite lucky to live in this country,even with it's so called "government" Grr! Although in my mind i think we are due some kind of natural disaster over here.I read in the paper yesterday that its all to do with the moon being close to earth? (Must find a link,was quite scary reading"
I remember the tiny earthquake that happened here a few years ago and that was terrifying,Paul woke up thinking it was a burgular,i just had no idea,but if that was so powerful and probably didn't even make it onto the richter scale,what would 8.9 feel like? I just cannot imagine.
I feel blessed to have my family,my health and a nice warm roof over my head.
My heart goes out to all the people in Japan.
That is all.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Testing and trying times.

Well yesterday had to be one of the worst days i have experienced so far as a parent.Madison was extremely naughty not once but TWICE!.
I could of happily put her on eBay lol.
It all begun when we went shopping and she wanted to get out of the pram and walk in Mothercare so i said "okay" then she wouldn't hold my hand and ran away!.So i then put her back in her pram with great difficulty as i had Olivia in the moby.Madison kept throwing herself out and going all limp so i couldn't put her in.When i did get her in she started screaming "Let me out!! Mummy hold hands!" and i said "No as you ran away" then she started screaming screams I've never heard that were incredibly LOUD! I felt so embarrassed,i know i shouldn't of but i always feel as if people are staring at you when your child had a tantrum.This particular tantrum lasted around 20 minutes.Nothing i said or did calmed her down.And after all that she thought she would still be allowed a "gingy" (gingerbread man),I don't think so haha.
The thing is she never is this naughty with Paul,makes me think I'm a soft touch or is it because she spends 90% of her time with me? Hmm.
We then went upto my nans for dinner,sausage,mash and beans nom nom!
After a few hours there we thought we would leave and go and do some shopping which is where we had the 2nd big tantrum.Paul put Olivia in the trolley and Madison walked around with me,she took her gloves off and threw them on the floor so i put them in my pocket and carried on walking around.A few minutes later Madison started screaming for her gloves so i gave them her and she threw them again! So this time i put them in my pocket and said "no".
Madison greatly objected to this and when i tried to hold her hand she went all limp and threw herself on the floor and started screaming.I went to pick her up and she crawled away.Then i spent about 10 minutes looking for Paul.She soon calmed down when he told her off haha.
All in all a stressful day that i don't want to repeat anytime soon.
How can someone so cute be such a devil lol

Sunday, 6 March 2011


We have begun!
Olivia is now 6 months old-how FAST has that gone? Only seems like yesterday that i was in shock at having delivered her in the living room with no midwife lol
Look how much she has changed-

six months

I'm glad i waited till 6 months to properly start weaning as she seems so ready for it.
So far we've tried banana,nectarine,rice cakes,broccoli and toast.I must say toast is her favourite at the moment,she had TWO pieces this morning.I sat her in her bebepod and plonked them in front of her,she picked a piece up straight away and started gumming it,a little bit of gagging but nothing major,I read a good tip that says count to ten when they start gagging,Olivia has cleared it herself by number 3.
At the moment she is happily squeaking away and rolling over lol.
Ah weaning is so fun and messy,i love it!!!

Thursday, 3 March 2011


Madison definitely has the terrible two's!.She screamed ALL the way around Asda because i wouldn't let her have this "spider" toy.I was going to buy it her but she just kept throwing it out of the pram on purpose so i took it off her and said no which she wasn't too happy about.She has been in a grumpy mood the majority of the day until she.seen my dad aka "gandad" lol he kept calling her a lemon so she called him a "strawbey" bless.I love toddler speak!
Olivia is doing good she's now 15lb 5oz which isn't much of a gain but she's happy and healthy,that's what matters the most not where abouts she is on a graph.I only got her weighed to write it in her memory book lol.
I can't believe it's March already,i can't wait till our holiday at the end of the month!
I think we all need it.