Our house is haunted! There is no doubt about it.I know there are alot of non believers but if you spent a night here trust me you would be a believer by the morning!
I just love this quote,it sums up our house a treat-
"When all logical theories have been exhausted...all that is left is the illogical or the paranormal."
We have decided to get a paranormal investigation team in,now i don't know if this is a good thing or not,I am intrigued but at the same time terrified that this might make things worse.
Something needs to be done about it though,the bedroom is so eerie you just get the feeling that your not alone in there!
I mean how do you explain a doorbell going off that has NO batteries in! TWICE! Pauls an electrician and couldn't explain that one,then the other day i heard a light tapping,as did Paul a few nights before,but you just can't figure out where it is coming from.It's so very strange.
The scariest thing of all is that Paul seen a ghost,now he thinks it was his Nanna but can't be 100% sure,I hope it is his Nanna or my Grandad!
ARRGH! I think i freak myself out sometimes lol,I will update on this once the investigation has taken place.
On another happy note my Olivia Magoo is 5 months old today!! This time 5 months ago she wasn't even born and i wasn't even in labour haha.I can actually feel the bumps of her teeth now,she hasn't been half as grumpy although her sleep is doing my head in.I think a growth spurt combined with clingyness has sent her sleeping patterns off the rails,we are still doing bath,milky,bed which seems to settle her off to sleep but she just doesn't stay asleep!
Were talking a maximum of one hour,she will only sleep longer if she is with me and to be honest the last few nights she has slept on my chest so i can at least get a few hours and be less zombiefied in the morning.I know it's not going to be forever,Madison was exactly the same and when she went on forumla she was alot less clingier but i'm determined to breastfeed Olivia till she's at least one year old.
Right i best be off seeing as someone is doing me a little present haha oh the joys!
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