Thursday, 13 January 2011

The smallest magoo

is underweight apparently as at 18 weeks she is 14lbs exactly,I'm not worried to be honest i am more annoyed than anything else.They as in the "HVs" want me to take her back to the clinic in two weeks to see if she has put weight on.I think if she hasn't put alot on they will be mentioning weaning even though after looking around on the net i have found that breastfed babies start to gain weight slower after the 4 month mark and infact it is the forumla fed baby that is growing too quickly! Makes sense really seeing as a breastfed infant can regulate how much food they want.

As for Madison and her "big bed" we are still yet to try it lol,she woke at 5am yesterday and didn't have a nap so it was a very LONG day to say the least although she did go to bed at 6.30pm and stayed asleep till 6am.The "big bed" transition will be taking place at weekend now.

I have just watched the programme one born every minute and cannot believe the woman who was in the first episode.What a drama queen,yes labour is painful that why it is called labour.She was screaming and being hysterical,probably didnt help that she was strapped to the bed unable to walk around and let gravity help with the birthing process but still.**sigh**

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